How Pure Is Your Gold?

Come and visit CAFOD’s Unearth Justice Photo Exhibition at St Wilfrid’s Church, York. Exhibition will be opened by Bishop Drainey and will be open to the public from 1.00 pm on Tuesday 24th June until 6.00 pm Wednesday 25th June. See for yourself the...

The Sea to Sea Challenge

Apostleship of the Sea is calling for people to sign up for its Sea to Sea challenge to have a chance to walk in the footsteps of the apostles. Apostleship of the Sea (AOS) is offering a truly unique experience for those who love to travel. A chance to visit the Holy...

The Permanent Diaconate

Rev Len Collings is a married, Permanent Deacon of the Middlesbrough Diocese and on Wednesday 12th March 2008, he carefully outlined to the Cleveland Newman Circle the history, role and future potential of the Permanent Diaconate in the life of the Church. He...

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