I am Confirmed

Following wide consultation and the co-ordination of the experiences of catechists, youth workers and parish priests, Middlesbrough Diocese has prepared and published a completely original Confirmation Programme for candidates who are between 12–16 years old. Initial...

Walking with the Northern Saints

CAFOD Just One World Pilgrimage Last year, CAFOD celebrated the 50th anniversary of Fast Day. Two thousand and twelve will mark 50 years since the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales actually founded the Catholic Fund for Overseas Development (CAFOD). Through the...

Catenians support AoS

Tony McAvoy, who is the Lay Port Chaplain and North East Regional Co-ordinator for the Apostleship of the Sea, was a guest speaker at Redcar and Cleveland’s Catenian Circle meeting on 16th February 2011. With 95% of goods imported to the UK arriving by sea, Tony...

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