York Newman Circle and Gilling Castle

The York Newman Circle visited Gilling Castle on Saturday 10th July. There were 16 in the party and the talk and tour were given by Fr Anselm Cramer, Archivist of Ampleforth. Fr Anselm gave us a very good history of the Castle, starting with the period when the Castle...

York Knights and the ‘The Mystic Rose’

The Knights of St Columba Council 95 (York) and the York Walsingham Association jointly arranged a Mass at Fairfax House, York, on 28th July. The celebrant was Fr Dominique Minskip who is currently chaplain to both organisations. The Mass was held in the saloon of...
‘Sues’day’ (Hello) from Cambodia

‘Sues’day’ (Hello) from Cambodia

CAFOD’s Connect2 project offers your parish the unique opportunity to come on a journey with one of our partner communities in either Brazil, El Salvador, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Bangladesh or Cambodia so that you can find out how people live their lives on a daily...

Vin Garbutt in Concert

On Thursday 19th August, 7:30pm Vin Garbutt will play a charity concert in aid of Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture and Justice First (Stockton).  Support will be from the Volunteer African Drummers.  The concert will be at the Georgian Theatre,...

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