South African Experiences

On 19th November 2008, the Cleveland Newman Circle welcomed their new Chaplain, Fr Andrew Burns CSsR, who gave an account of his 35 years experience working in South Africa, mainly training young Redemptorist Seminarians. Having been Middlesbrough born and bred, it...

New year, new challenge

livesimply launches Community Challenges The livesimply Network is launching a set of Community Challenges for the New Year. Designed to be carried out by communities of Catholics, the Challenges are structured activities or programmes which groups can carry out...

Who is my Neighbour?

“Who is my Neighbour” was the theme as 230 members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society attended a two-day conference at Ushaw College in Durham. The International President General, Jose Ramon Diza-Torremocha, flew in from Madrid to address the delegates on...

Happy New Year! A Message of Thanks from CAFOD

On behalf of CAFOD and our overseas partners, may we wish everyone in the Diocese of Middlesbrough a happy and blessed 2009. We also want to say a very big thank you to you for your prayers and generosity throughout 2008, particularly for your response to the crisis...

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