Welcome Back

Welcome Back

Back in June 2008, over 120 parishioners from 36 parishes came to Diocesan workshops entitled ‘Welcome Back’, led by Redemptorist priest, Fr Ed Hone. Perhaps you were one of them, or you read my account of the two events at Middlesbrough and Hull. In them,...

Fr Michael steps down after 33 years

After 700 baptisms, 600 funerals and 180 weddings, Fr Michael White has certainly earned his retirement. Speaking to the Hull Daily Mail he said ‘My time here has absolutely flown by. It’s hard to believe I have been here 33 years. I remember my first...
Four Square Behind Bridlington Parish

Four Square Behind Bridlington Parish

It is not unique but certainly quite rare for a family to have all their four children to be all of them boys, and all altar servers. This is the case for one family who are parishioners at Our Lady and St Peter in Bridlington. The latest ‘recruit’ is...
One hundred and five not out!

One hundred and five not out!

Cricketers are not the only ones to take pride in reaching a ‘century’ because Bridlington parishioner, Blanche Mannix, has already exceeded that score with five years to spare! Blanche is also living evidence of the longevity of a life lived on a...

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