New Rector For Rome’s English College

New Rector For Rome’s English College

Father Stephen Wang has been appointed as the new rector of the Venerable English College (VEC) in Rome.  Father Stephen will replace Monsignor Philip Whitmore, who has been rector since 2013. The VEC was founded in 1579 and since then has prepared priests to serve...
Thankful For The Gift Of Grace

Thankful For The Gift Of Grace

Peter Taylor reflects on his ordination to the diaconate by Bishop Terry at St Mary’s Cathedral… Ordination as a deacon is an important, and final, step on their journey towards priesthood. Normally this takes place in the seminary in which the student is...
Carmelite Nuns Hold Information Day

Carmelite Nuns Hold Information Day

The Carmelite nuns at Thicket Priory in York are holding an information day for people interested in learning more about the contemplative life. “A lot of people ask about our life here, from the curious to those actively discerning a religious vocation,” said Mother...

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