Bishop Terry’s January 2022 Voice Column

Bishop Terry’s January 2022 Voice Column

Despite the fact that the Christmas and New Year holidays were a little bit longer this year – the bank holidays were transferred from the weekend to the Monday and Tuesday, then for New Year to the Monday – the Church likes to move us on quite swiftly.No sooner have...
Bishop Terry’s December Voice Column

Bishop Terry’s December Voice Column

“The Synod is a process of spiritual discernment, of ecclesial discernment, that unfolds in adoration, in prayer and in dialogue with the word of God. God’s word is “living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit,...
Bishop Terry’s November 2021 Voice Column

Bishop Terry’s November 2021 Voice Column

On the weekend of the First Sunday of Advent, November 27 and 28, the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation will be restored. Let me just share some thoughts on this with you. During the first and second lockdown there was a deep realisation...
Bishop Terry’s November 2021 Voice Column

Bishop Terry’s April 2020 Voice Column

We call ourselves “Christians”, followers of Christ. But are we really followers and in what sense? Is our following of Christ like following a regime, say, for example, like “Dry January” or taking on a new diet, trying to bring some order and discipline into our...
Bishop Terry’s November 2021 Voice Column

Bishop Terry’s March 2020 Voice Column

As we continue to celebrate the year of “the God who speaks”, it is especially important that, as Lent begins, we focus on the Word of God, and try to listen to that word in a new way. The Sunday readings have a particular structure. The gospels on the first two...

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