Apr, 2008
Congratulations to St Joseph’s School, Pickering

Congratulations to all at St Joseph’s School, Pickering on their recent school inspection.

The inspection into the religious education, collective worship and Catholic life of the school found that it is, “a good Catholic school” in which “home/school/parish links are very good”. The inspector noted that “there is an evident family atmosphere and the pupils are confident and caring” The school also “provides a welcoming, friendly and happy learning environment for all.”

“The personal development of the pupils is very good and this is reflected in the excellent standards of behaviour evident in every class and around the school. Pupils are considerate and caring to one another and respectful to visitors and staff. They readily greet visitors with their distinctive blessing adding ‘God bless you’ to every ‘good morning.’”

St Joseph’s also has a School Council which “meets regularly and provides the pupils with a clear voice. Members recently took part in the interview procedures for the new head teacher and are actively involved in a variety of charity fund raising ventures.”

The report goes on to say that “Teaching is good overall and assessment is beginning to provide clearer guidance for pupil’s learning. The school community is well supported by the Parish Priest who is also Chair of Governors. He prepares and presents a whole school assembly each week and welcomes the school to the Parish Church for mass each month. He also provides catecheses for the sacraments of Holy Communion, Reconciliation and Confirmation.”

St Joseph’s is a small, modern and attractive school with ninety-five pupils, five full-time members of staff, including the recently appointed Head Teacher Mr Kevin Macklam, and three permanent, full-time teaching assistants.

Click here to download the Inspection Report for St Joseph’s School, Pickering

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