Day of Prayer for Victims of Human Trafficking

The Catholic Church in England and Wales observes the Feast of St Josephine Bakhita, 8th February, as a Day of Prayer for Victims of Trafficking and those who work to combat it.


‘The Lucky One’

Born: 1869 Darfur, Sudan

Died: 8 February 1947 Italy

O God, who led Saint Josephine Bakhita from abject slavery to the dignity of being your daughter and a bride of Christ, grant, we pray, that by her example we may show constant love for the Lord Jesus crucified, remaining steadfast in charity and prompt to show compassion.

Through Christ our Lord.

St Josephine Bakhita: Pray for us

If you need help or know of somebody who does – you can call the 24 hour Metropolitan Police

Freephone: 0800 783 2589

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