Having Faith in Politics and Business

Our country is facing testing times and whilst there is a great deal of anxiety about the economy and cuts there is also the promise of a new form of Government through Coalition.

Catholic social teaching is not as well-known today as it should be. If it were better known, Catholics would be more encouraged to become actively involved in their local communities, in political life and in trade unions and professional organisations.

To Be a Pilgrim Cardinal Hume (1984)

Our faith community has a role to play and, in keeping with the Catholic Social teaching, in particular Caritas in Veritate, we should be prepared to engage with decision makers whether they are politicians or business leaders. The recent series of Lent programmes on Caritas in Veritate were both popular and thought provoking.

We now want to build on this programme by offering a Study Day at the University of York on Saturday 16th October on Faith in Politics and Business. The confirmed guest speakers to date include Paul Moore, who made a very effective presentation during the Lent programme and Lloyd Clarke, a member of Sir Christopher Kelly’s Committee on Standards in Public Life.

In addition to some guest speakers, we will be offering a series of workshops on:
Setting up a Constituency Group;

  • Credit Unions
  • Justice and Peace
  • CAFOD and Fair Trade
  • Caritas in Veritate, and
  • other practical workshops to develop your skills and understanding of social teaching and action.

The Study Days organised by Justice and Peace and The Diocesan Constituency Group for Richmond have been well attended in the past.

Bishop Terry will also be present and will shortly be writing to Parishes to invite two delegates per parish to attend the Study Day. Bishop Terry will also be contacting sixth form colleges to encourage young people to attend. We will, of course, provide opportunities for other parishioners to attend and we hope you will keep this date in your diary.

For more information please contact John Hinman (Tel: 01642 700075 Email: &#106&#110&#104&#105&#110&#109&#97&#110&#64&#103&#111&#111&#103&#108&#101&#109&#97&#105&#108&#46&#99&#111&#109 or Barbara Hungin (Tel: 01642 784398) Email: &#98&#104&#117&#110&#103&#105&#110&#64&#121&#97&#104&#111&#111&#46&#99&#111&#46&#117&#107

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Father Peter Ryan
Friends of the Holy Land Lent Appeal and Resources
St Paulinus Church, Guisborough
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