Offering Hope in Cambodia

Lent Fast Day, 6th March 2009

AIDS has orphaned thousands of children in Cambodia. Maryknoll, a local charity supported by CAFOD since 2003, offers young people a family home and the chance to finish their education.

The Khmer Rouge murdered Phalla’s family in front of her. She was imprisoned and tortured but never lost hope of raising her own family. Years of sadness are etched onto Phalla’s face. ‘I lived in a terrible condition – like an animal. Some of the children I care for have lived in the same way but for very different reasons’. She still suffers memory loss from the trauma. She spent the next decade in a Thai refugee camp, ‘a prison without walls’. Throughout her ordeal, Phalla had one dream: to raise a loving family. Now a mother to five of her own children and eight foster children, her life is dedicated to helping those who have been orphaned. ‘The children we care for are surrounded by the love of their brothers and sisters’, she says, ‘so many young people have nowhere to go when their parents die. I manage this big family with love from the bottom of my heart.’

Lon Leaph, one of Phalla’s foster sons, says, ‘I have suffered from poverty my whole life’. Leaph left school to care for his sick father. He sold the family home to take his dad to hospital. Distraught and penniless in a city he didn’t know, Leaph begged to survive, ‘I hate it but I needed food and water’. After his father died, Leaph had nowhere to turn.

Thankfully, Maryknoll offered Leaph the chance of a new life. He was welcomed into Phalla’s family where he found the love and security he desperately needed.
Maryknoll also help with Leaph’s school fees. ‘I studied hard and did extra classes in the evening – I jumped four grades in two years and caught up on my missed education’.

Phalla is a foster mother because she cares. She couldn’t raise her large family without your support. Because you care, please give generously this Fast Day and remember that whatever you give will all be used to help people like Phalla and Leaph and so many others around the world, where there is so much need.

As always, we extend our grateful thanks to the many people around the Diocese who quietly and generously give so much of their time and energy to CAFOD by speaking at Mass in their local parish and organising fundraising activities, or by raising awareness of CAFOD’s campaign actions, by visiting schools and being parish contacts who coordinate Fast Day collections, we would like to have one or more in every parish in the Diocese. There are people who buy world gifts to give to loved ones and Community World Gifts to benefit some of the people CAFOD works with around the world. Whatever you do, you are showing your faith and love in action, may God bless you all.

Do you have any time to spare? Would you consider volunteering with CAFOD?
If you do, we would love to hear from you! CAFOD have many volunteer opportunities which can fit around your other commitments, any time you are able to give would be of enormous benefit to us. There are opportunities for spirituality volunteers, visiting schools (subject to CRB clearance) or volunteering in the CAFOD Office in York, becoming a parish contact in your local parish. Full training will be provided and expenses will be reimbursed. If you are interested in any of the activities listed, get in touch by telephone (01904) 671767 or e-mail:

We look forward to hearing from you!

Carol and David Cross, CAFOD Middlesbrough

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