Priests from throughout the diocese reaffirmed their ministry by renewing the promises made at their ordination during the annual Mass of Chrism in St Mary’s Cathedral.
As well as the renewal of priestly promises, the Mass also included the blessing of the Oil of Chrism, Oil of the Sick and Oil of Catechumens.
Later, each priest collected the oils, which would be presented at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper in their own churches on Maundy Thursday evening.

The Chrism Mass is central to the sacramental life of the whole diocese throughout the year and the oils are used in baptisms, confirmations, ordinations and the sacrament of the sick.
The ancient ceremony takes place in cathedrals around the world at the beginning of Holy Week.
The music of the diocesan choir, led by director of music Steven Maxson, enhanced our celebration.
Bishop Terry was present at York Minster on Holy Thursday as King Charles distributed the Maundy money for the first time.
He then presided over the Easter Triduum at the cathedral, assisted by cathedral dean Canon Paul Farrer.