Oct, 2010
Prison Chaplaincy – a talk by Michael Vickery

Hull and East Riding Newman Circle present a talk by Michael Vickery, Deacon and Hull Prison Chaplain, entitled ‘Prison Chaplaincy’

This will be on 20th October.

The NEWMAN ASSOCIATION promotes open discussion and greater understanding in today’s church. The main focus of the Association’s mission is through a network of local Circles throughout the UK.

All meetings are open: you do not have to be a Newman Association member to attend.

To help defray costs we ask for a contribution of £2.00 from non-members, £1.00 from members

Other forthcoming events

17th November – Caroline Dollard, ‘The New Liturgy’

15th December – Christmas Social

January – Fr Norman Jacobson, topic TBC

16th February – John Markham, ‘The effect of the Catholic emancipation in Hull’.

If you would like further information on local events, or how to join the Newman Association, please contact Andrew Carrick (Secretary) on (01482) 500181, e-mail hullnewman@googlemail.com or visit the Association website www.newman.org.uk

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