People shouldn’t be bought and sold
Nine to five? 480 people will be trafficked today worldwide while you’re at work
Every year Racial Justice Sunday provides Christian communities throughout Britain and Ireland with an opportunity to come together to pray for an end to racism and injustice. Thousands of churches, schools, groups
and individuals mobilise their resources to find a practical response to a single theme. The poignant theme for Racial Justice Sunday 2011 is Created by God: Treated like slaves: Tackling human trafficking.
Trafficking in human beings is a form of modern-day slavery and is a violation of human dignity and human rights. It is one of the biggest challenges that we, as a Christian community, must address and denounce.
Our motivation to respond to this injustice is rooted in the scriptures. ‘God created man in His image; in the divine image God created him; male and female God created them.’ As Christians we are challenged to make our
response a fundamental part of our discipleship and to act upon this by raising compassion, awareness and understanding for those who are suffering.
Click here to download the Racial Justice Sunday poster
Click here to download the Racial Justice Sunday booklet
Love your neighbour as yourself, do this and you will live
Luke 10:27-28