Countless generations of Catholics have admired a young saint, whom many call ‘The Little Flower’. In only a few months time, this young saint will be visiting our Cathedral. A relic of her body will be taken around the United Kingdom and we have the great privilege of her relic visiting St Mary’s Cathedral, Middlesbrough, on 2nd October 2009.
There is much to learn from this saint of our time and much to ask of her intercession. Therese is a saint with inspiration for both young and old, catholic and non-Catholic alike.
Although Thérèse never went on any missions, nor founded a religious order, or even though she never performed any great work in her short life, dying at the young age of only 24, her life has given great inspiration to countless people. Her way is a simple one. In fact, the only book she wrote, which is a collection of her letters and journals, tells a simple story of a soul; her soul. Over the next few issues of our Catholic Voice, we are going to prepare to meet this great saint of our time by discovering more about St Thérèse, her life, death and her continued mission in our Church as a saint for our times.