The Challenge of Archbishop Romero

Fr Dean Brackley, an inspiring speaker, is a New York Jesuit who has worked and taught theology in the Jesuit University in San Salvador since the murder there of six Jesuits and their companions almost 20 years ago, will be visiting our diocese (York) on 13 February.

He will be speaking about how Romero and the Central American martyrs challenge Christians in the North today.

Dean will be speaking in:

  • London – Tuesday 17 February (Second Archbishop Romero Memorial Lecture)
  • Edinburgh – Thursday 12 February
  • York – Friday 13 February
  • Nottingham – Saturday 14 February

More information about times and venues will soon be placed on the Romero Trust website at

Put the date in your diary and don’t miss this opportunity to hear a truly inspiring speaker. If you intend to come along then please let us know here at the CAFOD office and we can then let the organisers know of likely numbers to attend.

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