The Greatness of King Lear

This year’s Anthony Storey Memorial Lecture on 8th May entitled ‘The Greatness of King Lear’ will be given by Professor Tom McAlindon and chaired by Marion Hall – both close friends of Tony Storey.

Many have said that King Lear is Shakespeare’s greatest tragedy, and for several reasons. This lecture offers a different explanation from those usually advanced, and argues moreover that it is centrally concerned with the radical dependence of justice on sympathy, the capacity to feel with and for others. – Tom McAlindon

This has become a popular and stimulating event as well as an opportunity for reunion among friends of Fr Tony Storey, who co-founded our Justice and Peace Commission. The Lecture will be on Saturday 8th May at 11.00 am in The Lindsey Suite, Staff House, University of Hull. Coffee available from 10.30 am. Everyone welcome.

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