WAVE For Climate Justice – a reminder

WAVE For Climate Justice around York Minster, 10.30 am to 11.30 am, Saturday 24th October 2009 (gathering in Dean’s Yard adjacent to Minster)

In Copenhagen in December, World Leaders will meet to discuss a new Climate Change Deal. We need to make a clear call on them to put the poor at the centre of any climate change deal they propose.

To show our solidarity with the poor who are being affected by climate change far more than those of us here in the developed world, CAFOD and Christian Aid are holding an event outside of York Minster as part of our contribution to the Stop Climate Chaos Campaign.

We need your help and the help of those in your parish communities to send a strong message to our government that it must take a lead in the Copenhagen talks. Time is running out for our sisters and brothers in developing countries.

Over the next couple of weekends, please encourage people in your parishes to come along to York. We need 500 people to help us make our WAVE around the Minster. Ask them to wear or bring something blue to wave. The WAVE will be followed at 12 noon by a Climate Change Question Time at St Michael le Belfry Hall in Stonegate. MP for York, Hugh Bayley, will be on the panel along with a CAFOD team.

We need event stewards and very much would like to hear from anyone who is a certificated first aider who will be prepared to be on hand if needed.

Please encourage people to come to York for the day, join our WAVE and then spend the rest of the day visiting many of York’s attractions.

The 24th October is a great way for people to put their faith into action and also act in the interests of their children and grandchildren. Climate change affects us all!

Come and join our peaceful demonstration.

For more information or to let us know if you are coming to the WAVE, please contact me below. Many thanks.

David Cross
CAFOD Diocesan Manager
Diocese of Middlesbrough
54 Blossom Street
YO24 1AP

Tel: (01904) 671767
Fax: (01904) 658054

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