Pope Benedict XVI declared 28th June 2008 to 29th June 2009 the ‘Year of St Paul’ to celebrate the 2,000th anniversary of St Paul’s birth. It was the Holy Father’s intention that during this year we all came to know better ‘the immense wealth of teaching’ of St Paul, and that dioceses throughout the world should implement special initiatives to celebrate the Pauline Year.
In the Diocese of Middlesbrough, we have planned two very special Diocesan Celebrations of the Year of St Paul, to which the whole Diocese has been warmly invited by Bishop Terence. These events are Liturgies of the Word, led by the Bishop, with invited guest preachers to share their enthusiasm and understanding of St Paul and his relevance for Christians today.
The first Celebration took place at St Charles Borromeo, Hull in February. It was a beautiful and very fitting act of worship.
The second Celebration, which marks the closure of the Pauline Year, will be held on Sunday 28th June (Feast of Ss Peter and Paul) – at 7.00 pm at St Mary’s Cathedral, Middlesbrough.
The preacher at the Cathedral will be Fr Denis McBride CSsR, a well-respected speaker, retreat leader and writer of international standing. Fr Denis is the author of many books on the New Testament and Christian Spirituality, including ‘Jesus and the Gospels’ and ‘Waiting on God’. He is acclaimed for his gifts in making Scripture accessible and relevant to contemporary life.
The Celebration also includes excellent music and singing led by the Diocesan Choir, and involvement of children and young people in reading and symbolic action. The liturgy is based around some of the most profound and well loved words of St Paul.
Everyone in the Diocese is invited, so please do try to come to honour and celebrate the great Apostle to the Gentiles. Perhaps also invite family, friends and ecumenical guests to join you on this special act of pilgrimage and praise.