Fatima statue and saints relics visit York

Fatima statue and saints relics visit York

The Centenary Pilgrim Virgin Statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and relics of Ss Jacinta and Francisco of Fatima are coming to St Aelred’s Church, York, this summer.There will be a full programme of prayer and devotions during this time of special blessing....
Pray in May for Mary’s Meals

Pray in May for Mary’s Meals

International school feeding charity Mary’s Meals is calling on people in our diocese to pray for its work this May.Mary’s Meals feeds more than 2.4m desperately hungry children with a daily school meal in 18 of the world’s poorest countries, including Haiti, Malawi...
Your parish needs you!

Your parish needs you!

“Sustainability” seems to be a buzzword in much use – sustainable economy, sustainable forests, sustainable energy, writes adult formation coordinator DEACON DAVID CROSS…But I wonder how often we consider the sustainability of our parish communities and when we do,...

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