by Michael McG | May 10, 2023 | York, Parishes
The Centenary Pilgrim Virgin Statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and relics of Ss Jacinta and Francisco of Fatima are coming to St Aelred’s Church, York, this summer.There will be a full programme of prayer and devotions during this time of special blessing....
by Michael McG | Mar 19, 2021 | York, Diocese, English Martyrs, York, Education Service, Schools and Colleges, St Wilfrid's, York, Parishes
St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Academy Trust is looking for skilled Catholic volunteers to join as co-opted members of its Catholic Life and Standards Committee, Finance, Resource and Risk Committee and potentially the trust board. If you are interested in supporting...
by Michael McG | Jan 15, 2020 | Pope Francis, St Wilfrid's, York, Religious Communities
It has been announced in Rome that our Holy Father Pope Francis has erected the oratory-in-formation in York as an independent Oratory of St Philip Neri. The decree of foundation is dated November 9, the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica. It became the...
by Michael McG | Oct 29, 2019 | York, St Wilfrid's, St Wilfrid's, York, Liturgy and Music
A service of readings, hymns and choral music in thanksgiving for the canonisation of St John Henry Cardinal Newman is to be held at St Wilfrid’s Church in York. The Musical Oratory takes place on Thursday November 28 at 6pm. Entrance is free and a retiring collection...