Opening Mass of the Lourdes pilgrimage

St Bernadette Centre 23 May 2009 : The Way of Bernadette Introduction I was talking to someone earlier on about coming to Lourdes this year. It has been quite a sacrifice on the part of many people given the uncertain economic climate in which we live. So, the first...

Diaconate Ordination

of Marc Lyden-Smith, John Moriarty, and Séan O’Brien Ushaw College – 19 June 2009 For years now, you have been wondering if you had a vocation. Sometimes certain; other times, not so sure, you continued to listen, to pray, to discern, to test yourself and...

The Postgate Rally

Bishop Terry will be the main concelebrant and preacher at this year’s Postgate Rally which will take place on Sunday 5th July from 2.30pm at Egton Bridge. The Mass is in honour of the English and Welsh martyrs and Blessed Nicholas Postgate. There is free parking and...

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