Carols for the Port

‘Carols for the Port’, the annual Carol Service which brings together people from all walks of life in the port of Tees and Hartlepool is to be held at St Mary’s Cathedral, Coulby Newham on Wednesday 10th December commencing at 7.00 pm.

In attendance will be Port Authority personnel, Agents, Pilots, Foyboatmen, Customs, plus representatives from the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, and the Port Users Association, and of course the various seafarer welfare societies including the Apostleship of the Sea.

The Service will include the customary Carols and readings, with music being provided by the Stockton Salvation Army Band, and the Abingdon Road Primary School Steel Band from Middlesbrough. Refreshments including mince pies will be served after the Service.

The Service is open to all, and there is no charge for admission; you are advised to come early to get a seat!

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