Sr Mary Austin Thompson RSM

Sr Mary Austin Thompson died peacefully at the age of 81, in the Convent of Mercy, Eastgate, Hornsea, on 27th August 2010, the day before the feast of her patron, St Augustine. Her body was received into Sacred Heart Church, Hornsea, on Sunday 12th September by Fr...

Thanks, Pat, for your 20 years service

Mrs Pat Wilson retired on 30th June after 20 years service in the Curial Office. She joined the team when it was based in what is now the John Paul Centre. She served as Secretary to Mgr Charlton and then to Jim Whiston following Monsignor’s retirement. Mgr...

Retiring Collection at Chrism Mass

Sincere thanks to all who contributed to the retiring collection at the Chrism Mass. The £900 raised will be shared equally between the Priests’ Training Fund and the Retired Priests’ Welfare Fund.

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