TV series on life of Jesus returns

TV series on life of Jesus returns

The Chosen – a groundbreaking crowd-funded television series about the life of Jesus and his followers – is to return for a second series on Easter Sunday.  The first series of the drama was released in 2019. The series is the largest crowd-funded media...
The life-giving ministry of encouragement

The life-giving ministry of encouragement

In a special reflection, Emeritus Bishop of Middlesbrough John Crowley looks back on significant encounters during his priesthood and how they gave him encouragement when he needed it most… Every day as long as this day lasts keep on encouraging each other so that...

Lenten message from Bishop Mark O’Toole

Lenten Pastoral Message from the Bishop of Plymouth, the Right Reverend Mark O’Toole, Chair of the Department of Evangelisation and Discipleship  War has come again to Europe. It is almost unimaginable for us who have lived in peace for so long. Our hearts and...

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