by Michael McG | Apr 13, 2023 | ADoRe charismatic renewal, Organisations
Dr Maria Heath, leader of the country’s Catholic Charismatic Renewal service, will be the guest speaker at this month’s ADoRE mini-retreat morning for spiritual renewal.This is the latest part of the Zoom course to inspire parish evangelisation,...
by Michael McG | Apr 4, 2023 | ADoRe charismatic renewal, Organisations
Charismatic leader to speak at ADoRE retreat Dr Maria Heath, leader of the country’s Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service, will be the guest speaker at April’s ADoRE mini-retreat morning for spiritual renewal.This is the latest part of the Zoom course to...
by Michael McG | Jan 18, 2023 | ADoRe charismatic renewal, Organisations
A Zoom course designed to inspire parish evangelisation is being launched by ADoRE, a monthly mini-retreat morning for spiritual renewal.”Proclaim the Good News – we are called to be Missionary Disciples” will run from January to November, usually on the...
by Michael McG | Dec 14, 2022 | ADoRe charismatic renewal
ADoRE Christmas worship online is holding a special one-hour Christmas worship session on Saturday December 17 from 11am to noon.“O come, let us ADoRE Him” is a one-hour programme of seasonal Scripture readings, prayers, carols and other worship songs.It’s designed to...