by webmaster | Feb 5, 2011 | Apostleship of the Sea, Organisations
The Knights of St Columba has been re-established in the city of Hull and the Deputy Supreme Knight of the Order, Bro Bertie Grogan, travelled from London to formally announce the re-erection of Council No 45 Hull and to install its Officers. We have been active with...
by webmaster | Feb 5, 2011 | Event Calendar, Carmelite Spirituality Group, Organisations, Religious Communities
The Carmelite Spirituality Group invites you to a talk entitled ‘The Message of Lourdes and Carmelite Spirituality’ to be given by Fr. Antony Lester, O.Carm. on Saturday 2 April, 9.30am-4pm The Carmelite Order began in the Holy Land 800 years ago. It is...
by webmaster | Feb 5, 2011 | Event Calendar, Carmelite Spirituality Group, Organisations, Religious Communities
The Carmelite Spirituality Group invite you to a talk by the Most Rev. Fr. Joseph Chalmers, O.Carm., former Prior General on Saturday 12 March 2011, 9.30am-4pm The Carmelite Order began in the Holy Land 800 years ago. It is one of Christianity’s richest spiritual...
by webmaster | Feb 5, 2011 | CAFOD, Justice and Peace, Organisations
Putting faith and ethics into practice A Diocesan Day Conference chaired by the Rt Rev Terence Drainey, Bishop of Middlesbrough and sponsored by Richmond Constituency Group (Middlesbrough Diocese), CAFOD and Middlesbrough Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission at the...
by webmaster | Feb 5, 2011 | Justice and Peace
Scripted by Sonja Linden. Personal testimonies of asylum seekers in the UK When: Sunday 6th February @ 2pm Where: The Avenue Methodist Church, The Avenue, Linthorpe Middlesbrough TS5 6PA Tickets are free! Arrive early to secure a seat. You know before the war in my...
by webmaster | Feb 5, 2011 | St Bede's Pastoral Centre, Event Calendar, Justice and Peace, Pastoral Centres
Middlesbrough Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission presents a talk by Bruce Kent, ‘A Passion for Peace’, on Saturday 12th February 2011, 10.30 am at St Bede’s Pastoral Centre, Blossom Street, York One day it’s going to dawn on the human race...