Job opening for Lay Chaplain
Nicholas Postgate Catholic Academy Trust has a vacancy for a Lay Chaplain. Applications close on January...
Nicholas Postgate Catholic Academy Trust has a vacancy for a Lay Chaplain. Applications close on January...
Due to the retirement of the current director, Catholic Care (Caritas Leeds) is in the process of recruiting a new director/CEO. For more...
Parishes and schools also play an important part in making Christmas special for seafarers, says Anne McLaren, Stella Maris’ senior area port...
The Catholic Bishops of England, Wales and Scotland have issued a statement on assisted suicide ahead of the Second Reading of the Terminally Ill...
Teesside Apollo Male Voice Choir is holding its annual Christmas concert at the Holy Name of Mary Church in Middlesbrough on Wednesday December...
We were saddened to hear the news that Father Peter Keeling died on Saturday evening (November 9) at James Cook University Hospital,...
The Holy Father, Pope Francis, in accordance with a tradition which goes back 1,300 years, has declared an Ordinary Jubilee Year in 2025. The...
During the month of November, in which the Church traditionally remembers the faithful departed, the Pope invites us to pray with him for all...
Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (CAN) is inviting all schools to take part in its #RedWednesday live stream on Wednesday November...