The Changing Face of Britain

Catholic Association for Racial Justice

25th Anniversary

Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral at 5.00 pm on Sunday 13th September

Two thousand and nine sees the 25th Anniversary of the Catholic Association for Racial Justice (CARJ). To mark the anniversary, CARJ has organised a programme of local events culminating in a national celebration at Westminster Cathedral on 7th November. The theme ‘The Changing Face of Britain’ has a twofold aim:

  • To celebrate the ways in which the Church and the wider society have changed for the better over the past 25 years
  • To attempt to read ‘the signs of the times’ and discern the new challenges of the future

In celebrating what has been achieved it is good to acknowledge all that has changed for the better and the progress that we have all made toward becoming a truly diverse Church in a truly diverse society. Developments have been made in all sectors of society, educational disadvantage is being steadily overcome and our churches and schools are communities of every language, nation, colour and culture. This is reflected in the newly formed Equalities and Human Rights Commission.

But, of course, there are many future challenges that we face. We need to look below the surface to discern what role we are called to play in our developing society. Community cohesion has emerged as an important concern at local and national level. How do we construct a common identity and citizenship while welcoming and appreciating our diversity? What place do local parishes and schools play in promoting cohesion? Legislation on immigration and asylum is the subject of constant debate. In times of recession especially, migrants and people seeking asylum are likely to be stereotyped as outsiders and as competition for employment.

On Racial Justice Sunday – 13th September – we will celebrate the positive developments with a special Mass at 5.00 pm at St Mary’s Cathedral, Middlesbrough. The music and liturgy will reflect our multicultural community and the gifts which so many have brought to our lives in the Middlesbrough Diocese. Many of the challenges for the future will be the focus of our November meeting in 2010. Do come and join us at the Mass to make this a truly joyous occasion and stay for refreshments afterwards.

Barbara Hungin

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