Forming the Spiritual and liturgical life of the parishes for Mission
Episcopal Vicar: Very Rev Canon Paul Farrer EV
Cathedral House, Dalby Way, Coulby Newham, Middlesbrough Tel: (01642) 597750
Bishop’s Council For Spirituality and Worship
President: Rt Rev Terence Patrick Drainey
Chair: Very Rev Canon Paul Farrer EV
Council Members: Rt Rev Mgr Canon David Hogan JCL, KCHS (Art and Architecture), Kit Dollard, Sue Westmacott, Rev Antony Lester, Sharon Westcough, Andrew Gardner
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Tel: (01642) 850505, ext 241, email:
Formation of Ministers of the Word and Holy Communion
Tel: (01642) 850505, ext 241, email:
Diocesan Pilgrimages
Lourdes Pilgrimage: Director: Mark Taylor
Tel: 07776 115160
Walsingham and other pilgrimages: Very Rev Canon Patul Farrer EV
Curial Offices, 50a The Avenue, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough, TS5 6QT, tel: (01642) 850505
The Diocesan Master of Ceremonies
Rev Peter Taylor JCL/MCL
Curial Offices, 50a The Avenue, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough, TS5 6QT, tel: (01642) 850505 ext 227, email:
Archconfraternity of Saint Stephen for Altar Servers
Rev Peter Taylor JCL/MCL
Curial Offices, 50a The Avenue, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough, TS5 6QT, tel: (01642) 850505 ext 227, email:
Mass Celebrated in the Extraordinary Form
St Wilfrid, Duncombe Place, York, YO1 7EF, Tel: (01904) 624767
Historic Churches Committee
Chairman and Convenor: Rt Rev Mgr Canon DC Hogan JCL, KCHS
Mrs P W Brown MCD, BArch, FRIBA, MRTPI (retired), Dr J M Hargreaves MBE, DUniv (York), DipTP, MRTPI (retired), Very Rev Canon Paul Farrer EV, Mr K R Knight BA(Hons), DipArch (Shef), MA (York) IHBC, RIBA, SCA, Rev B Leach OSB, ARICS, Mr G Rogerson BA, Dip (Hons) Arch, RIBA, Mr J V Taylor MA, Mr J A Walton FCA, Rev P Warren, Miss S Westcough, BEng (Hons), ICIOB, Miss S Weston GRSM(Lond), LRAM, ARCO, Dan Woodgate, Miss J Dowson (Secretary), tel: (01642) 850505 ext 240, email:
The Historic Churches Committee grants a faculty for approved works to churches in use that are listed buildings. They also supervise Quinquennial Inspections of all listed churches and also of churches in conservation areas in the Diocese.
Pastoral Centres
Hull: St Stephen’s, 96 Annandale Road, Hull, HU9 4LA, tel: (01482) 374396
Robin Hood’s Bay: Madonna House Lay Apostolate, Thorpe Lane, Robin Hood’s Bay, Whitby, North Yorkshire, YO22 4TQ, tel: (01947) 880169
York: The Bar Convent, 17 Blossom Street, York, YO24 1QA, tel: (01904) 643238
St Bede’s, 21 Blossom Street, YO24 1AQ, tel: (01904) 464900, e-mail: website:
Personal and spiritual development: non-residential courses, regular quiet days, guest speakers and workshops. Enquiries very welcome.
Ampleforth: Hospitality & Pastoral Team, Ampleforth, York, YO62 4EN, tel: (01439) 766486
Ecumenical Officer
Rev T J Bywater
Ss Leonard & Mary, The Presbytery, Church Hill, Malton, YO17 7EJ, tel: (01653) 692128